There are no health issues beyond the power of Jesus.Mk 5:21-26

When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake.Mk 5:21-26

Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee from the Eastern side where had just healed a person possessed by demons but in the process the demons went into a herd of pigs who promptly had a severe allergic reaction causing them to stampede off a cliff in to the lake for forgetting two salient features of pigs that to this day we know are true that pigs can neither fly nor swim.

Consequently, he wore out his welcome in the area and the people there suggested to him that he get out of town before the cows or sheep or dogs might be tempted to do the same thing. Back on the western side the reception for Jesus was completely different to the Eastern side. There was a large crowd already gathered there eager to hear from him. Here is the setting for divine healing of two women. One is a woman and the other a 12 year old girl.

The first person to come to Jesus is Jairus. Mark describes him as one of the synagogue leaders. This is a lay leader in charge of the premises and the order of worship in the service and held in high regard within their Jewish community. He comes before Jesus and amazingly he falls at Jesus feet in humility because he has a request, a request that is so audacious because of the nature of the request.
The request is for his daughter not himself she was ill, so ill in fact that she lay literally dying. He might have tried all sorts of expensive medical therapy before this and this is the last ditch attempt to save her she lay at deaths door. Whenever I get a patient like this, gasping and at deaths door the first thing as a doctor we do is to say we will do our best but that in no way to guarantees the survival of the patient. Many who come in at deaths door actually will die. No doctor wants to get a patient at deaths door because the disease process would have been so far advanced along that a recovery would be slim and even so fraught with a lot of complications. At deaths door the problem may have started out in one of her organs, a boil perhaps on the skin but by the time the person is on death's door the heart, the lungs, the kidneys each in turn will pack up.

Jesus response is not like our doctors response, Mark records that he simply went with him. Then look at the woman. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. What’s this bleeding that occurred in this woman? Was she bleeding from her ears or her nose or her mouth?

Hugh in his book "BY HIS STRIPS"- a biblical study on Divine healing, observes that this most probably refers to a menstrual bleeding a common enough condition which today we call as menorrhagia . He further points out that it occurs in women in their 40's and doctors till this day do not understand it much so they cut it out. I am quite sure there would be not a few women in this church who have had to have this surgery called a hysterectomy.

She had seen many doctors and spent all her money and what did she get in the end she got worse instead of better. Now isn't this statement a typically biased statement against doctors by Mark? I guess some things never change I know many people today who go to private hospitals who have the same complaints. Seen a whole bunch of doctors, one for the bowels , one for the urine, one for the heart and one for the head and in the end they are not better if not worse. What about seeing the one and only doctor who has all specialties(JESUS) there are no health issues beyond the power of Jesus.

"By His Strips"( Hugh Jeter) The Healing Ministry of Jesus-Bible study - Friendship church

Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He had the power to perform miracles. They flowed from within Him as heat from the sun, as wet from a waterfall, as dry from sirocco winds. He knew it, people sensed it, and to Him they came in droves and multitudes. In unconquered confidence, Jesus welcomed blind, crippled, leprous, even dead people into His presence. No problem loomed too great for His skill; none intimidated Him into silence. He performed all the healings we would expect since He came as God's Healer.

Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He had compassion equal to His power, as Matthew 8:17 notes; as Matthew 14:14 illustrates. When the burgeoning throng interrupted His plans for a quiet retreat with His disciples, He healed their sick, then He fed them. That contrasted starkly with the disciples, who wanted the pesky crowds dispersed.

Knowing they could receive help if only they could access Him, people responded to that compassion, in bold, unorthodox ways. The Canaanite woman struggled through His disciples' desire to dismiss her, and His own initial, courteous refusal, to get what she knew she could trust Him to grant (Matthew 16:28). The woman with a hemorrhage crept silently through the crowd to merely touch His clothes (Mark 5:28). And the crowds "begged him to let the sick just touch the edge of his cloak," (Matthew 14:36), for "all who touched him were healed."

Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because it symbolized His success in the spiritual warfare between Himself and Satan. In ongoing discussions about evil, all secular, and many Christian thinkers fail to mention Satan as the agent by which illness, disease, and disaster entered the world.

Yet, in Luke 13:16, Jesus identified Satan as the enemy responsible for the harm done to humanity. Satan hates God compulsively, but has no recourse but to harm the humanity made in God's image. He unrelentingly attacks humanity, knowing His time to oppose God's creation is short (Revelation 12:12).

Whenever Jesus confronted Satan's presence in illness, disease, or demon-possession, He overcame the symptoms of Satan's presence to prove His conquest of Satan personally. Since "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. . ." (1 John 3:8), He had to dismantle the apparatus of illness, disease, and demon-possession by which Satan exercised control over creation. The victory He won in the wilderness could be authenticated in ministry only by evicting Satan's power from the lives he had bludgeoned.

By healing all bodily systems, and every bodily dysfunction, Jesus reclaimed and recovered for God all that Satan pirated. Healings proved that Jesus had invaded Satan's realm, shackled him and, despite his unavailing protests, plundered and snatched from his malevolence any victim He pleased.

Through all His healings, Jesus assaulted Satan from first one corridor, then another and still another. Satan never knew where the next attack would originate or how devastating it would be. But when it came, he always felt IT was the hardest blow yet!

Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because He envisioned healing as a physical symbol of forgiveness. He guaranteed the ultimate glory of the human body through His personal resurrection, but forecast that restoration by healing twisted, shrunken, blinded limbs and organs. The paralytic's restoration is but one of many such examples (Mark 2:1-12).

All of our physical ailments, limitations, and adversities have their final removal in the Master's initial healings and ultimate victory over death. The perfected result of forgiveness is the new, imperishable body Paul described in 1 Corinthians 15:35-57.

Healing was essential to the ministry of Jesus because healings offered indisputable evidence that He is the Christ of God (John 21:30-31). Understand: He considered healings as credentials, but only as extensions of Himself as His own best defense. Understand: since Jesus expected healings to recruit faith in Him, He wouldn't heal gratuitously. Thus, when the Pharisees wanted to see a miraculous sign (Matthew 12:38), He instead figuratively preached His death and resurrection. On His second visit to Nazareth, He performed but a few miracles because the people doubted Him (Mark 6:5). And He turned a cold eye on Herod's hope for a miracle (Luke 23:9). Nevertheless, in Christ's works lurked evidence that God Almighty lived in human form and loved the humanity created in their image.