The Disorder of worldly culture among Believers(Part one) -1 Corinthians Chapter 5: 1- 8

Bible study at friendship Church sunday January 23/211.9:30am-9 attendees: dialogue with modoration - the bloger.
Aim: Teach christian morality.

Many Christians and their contemporary churches are just as worldly as the surrounding culture, except that they practice their worldliness in the name of Jesus -- thinking and saying one thing while doing another. This is not how things should be. Christians are to be actively involved in the centers of human culture, influencing those centers with biblical values and practices. Christians are to influence the centers of culture, not be influenced by them. The difference is critical and has proven to be difficult to accomplish.

The classic formulation is for Christians to be in the culture but not of the culture, to live in its midst without being caught up in it, without being defined by it, without finding their identity in it. Unfortunately, too many people today are in the church and of the world. They have it backwards. They are caught up in a baptized version of popular culture through without realizing that there is not much difference between those who covet sin a little and those who covet sin a lot.

This is the primary mechanism that drains Christianity of its strength in our day. People think that they are Christian because they "walked the aisle," or because they go to church, or because they grew up in the church. The world and the church are awash in a kind of logical disconnect, where people say they believe in something but act as if they don't -- except possibly sometimes at church. At church they dress their secular beliefs in Christian clothes. They believe those who teach that church and God and religion are fine, but must not mix with government, politics or the work place, that it is wrong to practice Christianity if someone objects to it. But this flies in the face of the biblical created order.

In God's culture Adam was created before Eve, and she was created differently, by a different process, a derivative process, and to function in a different role. Adam, the man, had greater responsibility because he was created first and given a job. Eve was to be his helper. So, his greater responsibility required greater authority. Sinful women have envied Adam's position of authority over the years, thinking him to have been more important or of a higher status in God's eyes. That's not the way that God sees it, but it is the way that sinful people see it. Women (and others) have striven for equality without understanding that their claim to equality is based on the presumption that they know more than God, who created them, or that they are more moral than God, who did not institute the kind of equality that sinners want.

The following facts are evident in 1 Corinthians chapter 5:
It was common knowledge that there was sexual immorality going on in the Corinthian church. Vs 1-2.
Sexual immorality had been pretty much a way of life for these people before they were converted, and they evidently didn't see anything terribly wrong with it.One church member was living in sin with either his mother or step-mother, and the brethren were tolerating it.

• At times, tolerance can be downright treason.Paul rebuked them for not mourning over this tragedy. See James 4:9 and Psalms 51:17.

• Paul's heart had been broken by this corruption, 2 Corinthians 2:4. Paul judged the man guilty, as his sin was common knowledge and orders him to be dismissed from the church.

Work cited-Herny Matthews commentary, Hoffmans commentary on 1 Corinthians, New International Version Bible.

Watch for part 2 on: The Disorder of Mixing the World with the Church – 1 Corinthians 5:9-13

Healing through the Word. October 3/2010 at AG-Church(Friendship)

The healing anointing is manifested in several ways and we can see it in the scripture as healing through the Word. Psalm 107:20 says,

• “He sent his word, and healed them.” Whenever the Word of God is spoken in faith from the lips of a believer, then God’s healing power is activated.

• Jesus often spoke the word and many were healed.

Remember the story of the centurion who came to Jesus seeking healing for his servant? The centurion said to Him, “Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed.

• (Matthew 8:8, 9). Jesus said that had not found so great faith in all of Israel. The centurion’s servant was healed when Jesus spoke the word.

God's Word Is Christian Faith's Highest Authority

We believe that God's Word is Christian faith's highest authority, and thus Christian faith's guiding principles and doctrine must be examined and evaluated in the light of God's Word. (2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Tim. 3:16).

The Power of God's Word

If there is anything our generation of Christians needs to ponder and experience anew it is the power of God's Word. For only when we seize and are seized by the Word of God do we know the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe (Eph. 1:19). And only when our faith stands in God's power do we discover what the Word of God really is (1 Cor. 2:5).

God’s word is spoken of in Proverbs 4: 22 as being medicine to all our flesh. The word of God is the most powerful medicine available today, and it is capable of bringing lasting healing to every part of our lives without negative side effects

God’s Word is unchanging and eternal

According to Jesus, the content and the message of the Word of God does not change along with changes in the world. God's Word is always timely. Heb. 6:13-18

Jesus Christ was existing in the beginning as the Word of God. He was being with God and He was being God (John 1:1-2). Jesus is called the WORD of God because He is the fullest and most precise expression of Who God Is.

• In order to distinguish God's healing from other forms of 'healing ministry', it is vital to acknowledge that Jesus is the healer at all times (Isa 53.4; Mat 8.17).

Exploring a Christian- 1 Corinthians Chapter 3

The Christian's relationship to God is described by several metaphors in the Bible. One is seeing a Christian as a child of God. "The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together Romans 8:16ff. As children of God, we then have the right to inherit from our Father.

Paul speaks to the Corinthians in chapter 3 as unto men who were still in great measure carnal (Vs 1-4) as unto babes in Christ - Still weak in grace, though eminent in gifts. 1 Corin 1:15. Paul says "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God". Men may have much doctrinal knowledge, yet be mere beginners in the life of faith and experience. But it is to be lamented, that many who should walk as Christians, live and act too much like other men. The Corinthians show themselves to be yet carnal, by vain-glorious strife, eagerness for dispute, and readiness to despise and speak evil of others.

Paul condemned any division among them, even though it was in favour of himself, or the dearest friend he had in the world- Apollos. 1 Corin 3:4 .The Word of God is very clear that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. That means that unrepentant sinners are not Christians. The Christian is not perfect, but does seek to live a repentant lifestyle by the grace of God. On the other hand, as Ken’s post showed us, there are plenty of “Christian’ leaders out there who want to open wide the narrow gate and allow the unrepentant into God’s Kingdom. Let us look at a passage that teaches the opposite.

Paul provides education about ministers whom the Corinthian contend; Corin 3: 5-9, (1) They should not be put in place of God, (2) The one who plants and the one who waters work (employed) by one master, (3) They work together with God, in promoting the purposes of his glory – Ephesians 4:11

If ever a church needed strong leadership, it was the church at Corinth, which was beset by division and all kinds of problems. Yet Paul's first letter to them is not directed primarily to the leaders, but to the whole community. He does address qualities of leadership in chapters 3 and 4. He stresses their servant nature and that it is God's field and building they are working in (3:5-9). They will be tested at the judgment as to how well they have built on the only legitimate foundation, Jesus Christ (3:10-17). He mentions the stewardship nature of leadership (4:1-5) As we shall see next study, and the danger of putting leaders on a pedestal (4:6, 7).

The apostle was a wise master-builder; the grace of God made him such. 1 Corin3: 10- 15. Let every man take heed; that all his doctrines may be consistent with the foundation. There may be bad building on a good foundation. Paul warns joining a merely human (See: 1 Corin 3:5) or a carnal life with a Divine faith.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corin 3:11; Who, in his person and offices, is the firm, immovable Rock of Ages, every way sufficient to bear all the weight that God himself, or the sinner, when he believes, can lay upon him. Immovable Rock- Matt 7:24-27.

1. Let us consider the tendency of our undertakings, compare them with God's word, and judge ourselves, that we be not judged of the Lord

1 Corin 3: 16 & 17 -it appears that the false teachers among the Corinthians taught unholy doctrines. Such teaching tended to corrupt, to pollute, and destroy the building. Most of these false teachers were Greeks (See Greek Philosophy) For all the boasted wisdom of the world is mere foolishness in the sight of God. Proverbs 19:3.Not only while they think they are acting wisely, but by their very wisdom, which itself is their snare, and the occasion of their destruction- Job 5:13. All this should teach us to be humble, and make us willing to be taught of God, so as not to be led away, by pretences to human wisdom and skill, from the simple truths revealed by Christ. 1 Corinthian 1:18- 31.

He expects the ordinary church members to be mature enough to sort out their own problems and gives plenty of guidelines for doing so. His goal is for a community where everyone, with whatever gift they may have been given, is a fully functioning member. Paul's emphasis is on the common or shared responsibility of all for the life of the church, not with the responsibility of leadership, but of all. Priesthood of all believers.

Get a Vision, Discover your Purpose and be Focused: Motivation Workshop

The year 2010 is now behind us. With the passing of time, as the days roll by and years elapse, we live on, and now we are in the year 2011. But have you stopped to ponder why you are here? Have you taken a break to ask why things happen the way they do? Is life a product of coincidental occurrences or is it supposed to run in a predestined manner leading to a predefined destination? Is life a game of chance?

Many people, including Christians do not really understand what life is all about. Some think they are only here by accident and can be gone anytime without prior notice. Hence, they strive to get the best out of life for personal benefits within the limited and uncertain duration they have. They are full of fear, uncertainty and sometime boredom because to them, life is nothing but a routine – work, eat, sleep, wake etc.

Such people accept anything that comes their way. They live without vision, purpose and direction. That is why most will not make any plans of their lives. Such people get little or no excitement out of life. They have no sense of fulfillment because they actually aim at nothing; they follow the crowd and pursue vanities. Most have no set goals, no dreams they just live each day as it comes.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and not endured. What does this mean? Should we pursue vanities, accumulate the “treasures” of this life and stay relaxed? What’s the enjoyment all about? The true enjoyment in life comes when we know why we are here and we find ourselves fulfilling that purpose. With or without the treasures of this life, we’ll be happy knowing that we are fulfilling destiny. We’ll be content with what we have and God will provide us with all we need to fulfill destiny.

We’ll cease from struggling and the pursuit of vanities. The things men struggle for and run after will begin to “struggle for” and “run after” us. Having the treasures of this life will make no difference to us because will heart will be fixed – fixed on God. We will then be able to use the treasures of this life to store up eternal dividends for ourselves. Then we can have a clearer view of life: working, eating, sleeping, waking etc, are put together to enable us fulfill destiny. Then we would have crossed the ocean of uncertainty and the desert of fear on your way to the land of destiny. Life then has a meaning and we’ll be happy you are here.

Trials will surely come; the dark hours are sure to come, but we can always come out victorious. The night will certainly fall but the thickness of the darkness has never prevented the breaking of the day. With a sense of purpose, life becomes worth living; existence becomes interesting.

We are not an accidental creature, living only to die. We are not to live by chance – following the crowd and taking things as they come.

Get a vision, discover your purpose and be focused. That is the secret of true joy in life. May the Lord help us to get life-visions, pursue God-given purposes and fulfill destiny that God has put before us.