Mark 15:2, God the king, God the ruler.
Luke 15: 3, Caring/ loving, good shepherd, lover, personal, hospitable, relational, initiator,
John 1:1 -8, Pre-eminent, creator V4, Redeemer v4, Divine, Judge.
John 3: 1-21, relation of God in Jesus, son of God.
John 5:19- 47, Jesus Revelation of God, judge, pre-existence of God (46f)
John 19-20 Kinship, Passover lamb, the resurrection, teacher,
Romans 1:8-2:11, Righteousness of God, power of God (Omnipotence), Judge, Kindness Grace, patience.
Romans 8:1-39, Righteousness of God, Father, suffering God Glory, Spirit of God, and helper, Intercessor, God’s love Purpose of God, Holy Spirit as helper.
Ephesians 1-4, Christ the mediator, gracious God, God in fullness of time, Authority, power, God as ruler, Christ as corner stone 3:20, love 3:17, wisdom 3:10, unity 4:3 Patience 4:2, benevolence.
Hebrews 1-2, Jesus the spoken word1:1-2, sustain er 1:3, Image of God1:3, righteousness 1:8.
James 1:2-18, Wisdom of God 1:5, Gods love 1:12, Kingdom of God1:12, Wrath of God,1:15-16, Goodness of Gods 1:17, God the Father 1:17, God the creator, 1:18, Righteousness of God 1:29, Freedom of God 1:25, God the Father 1: 27, Caring of God 1:27, God’s Glory, Judge 2:4 Kingdom of God 2: 5, judgment of God, Freedom of God Mercy 2: 12, God as friend 2:23, righteousness of God ibid.
1Peter1 3-12, God as Father v3, Mercy v3, God of life, God of Hope, God’s power v5, The grace of God v 10, Suffering of God, Glory of God v11, Triune God v12.
1John 4:7-21, God of Love v 7, Knowledge of God v8, Triune God vv13-15, completeness v17.
Concepts of God as evidenced in the NT
Sovereign power of God. James 1:16-18. God has sovereign authority over his created being/creatures. In the everlasting covenant like he did through Jesus the savoir, he has responsibility upon himself. He gives gifts according to his own disposal/will. The gift of Jesus is a good example. It was through his sovereign will that he chooses him. In the same way in this passage we read that every good gift comes from him, coming down from heaven. We see his sovereignty as he deals with human begins. His foundation standeth sure. He knows those who are his 2timothy 1:19, it is he shows he power and his absolute sovereignty. There is no single condition that he gives to be able to dispose his gifts. He ha power and authority to give them freely to whosoever he wills, for he is God.
1Peter 1:3 – 12, Matt, 19: 26 as we see in these verses, is that ability and strength to bring to accomplishment what he pleases. His power therefore is that which gives life and action to his divine will. Power is God’s. In V5 He brought faith that was shielded, till such time when salvation for mankind was revealed. Since God is powerful he can do everything and all things can be done through him, CIF the OT that support the Matthew Chapter that the heaven were made and all the host of them by his word. Psa.150:1. Romans 9:22, talks about God’s power in his wrath. God is going to did play his mighty power upon the reprobate note merely by incarcerating them but by supernaturally preserving their bodies as well as souls amid the eternal burnings of the lake of fire. His power is displayed here in such a way to indicate that non can escape his coming wrath.
God the Creator and giver of life. Although the NT does not directly point out creation as seen in the OT, We have various Scripture that point to God as the Creator. Matt 1:22-23 Speaks about God being with us and dwelling among his people. In John 1: 14 the divine word of God come to live with people through Jesus. In him, God is present with humankind. In Jesus we see hope in forms of foundation as the work of God the creator Stanley assert that God’s creation does not end with past but move to the future. “Theology for the community of God”. p 114, thus it reaches it fulfillment with the grand vision of the new heaven and new earth as john Points out in Revelation 21:3:22:3-4. Thus here we see God power as the creator who has a design revealed by Jesus. As life giver, we notice in these verses that by the coming of God as savior of the world and the later outpouring of the Holy Spirit, as the means by which God was purposely establishing himself to a new people that he intended to give new life. 1John 5: 20b states that he is the true and eternal life. We may therefore say that God, who is the creator and the life giver, had a purpose of establishing a community that is redeemed dwelling in the new created earth.
The Loving Father. In 1John 4:19 it is clear that the love of God to his people is out there even before there know it. “He first loved us” He never loved us because we loved him. It was he who loved us first. He loved us even when we were loveless. He had loved his people from everlasting to everlasting. Love and God are the same thing. His nature is love. He loves to himself. 2 Tim2:19. The same precious truth is set out in Eph 1:4-5. He love he had predestined us. Thus shows that God is love and as a loving father he has always revealed his nature as such. As Seen early that God is God, he thus chooses who he should love. See Roman 9:9. Here we find that Humans are object of God’s divine love.
The one God. Talking about God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit sounds as though Christians have three gods, which is not theologically true. i. e When God was sending Jesus be the Savior of the world, it is not clear that he is the same God who is coming in a different form in the world (God incarnate). So when Christians talk about Trinity, this is the one God, who manifested himself through Jesus and appeared to his disciples in the power of the Holy Spirit. So Jesus was divine as we see in Roman 9:5. Therefore we would again argue that when Ananias and his wife Sapphira lying to God did so to the holy spirit too for they are not separable. Act 5:3ff. So the three are not three different entities but one in the unity of one divine nature. Thomas in his book,” Our Idea of God assert that, “the threeness of God consists only in his manner of presentations of himself to us” p180, otherwise God is one.
The righteous Judge. Because God is righteous, acceptance with him on the ground of human doings is utterly impossible. A fallen creature could sooner create a world then produce that which could meet the approval of the infinite purity. The best that sinful man brings forth is defiled. A corrupt tree cannot bear good fruits. In Eph 1:6 we see that through God righteousness every sinner come to him stand accepted by him. Since God is Righteous, the utmost of our being aught to fear him and respect him as God. IT is clear that the more our hearts are awed by his ineffable holiness, the more acceptable will be our approaches to him. Therefore we should desire to be comforted by him.see 1Thesss 5:23. Is righteousness is well Scriptures in 1 Peter1:15. Also his Judgment is just cf.John 5:30.
About Holy Spirit
1Corinthians 2:11-12, God is Spirit.
Acts 1:16 That the Holy Spirit was there from the beginning and he is Triune God
Hebrews 3:7, That the holy is living with us today.
Romans 15:16. That God Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one.
1Peter1:2 That the Triune work as one
Romans 8:27 that the Spirit of God is working among believers.
Acts 15:8, that God and the Spirit are one and the same.
Galatians 3:2 God is Spirit. Who dwells in Jesus.
Roman 5:3-5, that God and the Spirit are one
2Corinthians 5:5, God is spirit
In these passages the doctrine of the Triune God is the emphasis. Although most times theologians and Christians alike have tried to discus the doctrine of the trinity, reading the scriptures has not proved this idea head on. In these Verses, we see the oneness of the three. In reading the verses I came up with statement such as, the Spirit was there from the beginning Acts 1:16, that the Holy Spirit is dwelling among God’s People Heb 3:7, That God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one Rom 15:16. On the basis of this I would well see how the doctrine of the trinity is expressed in the bible. We clearly see in these verses the role of the trinity as appearances and not as personalities. Again reading through, it is clear that the Divine personality is one who works has Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ relationship with God and Holy Spirit.
John 3:34 that he was sent of by God
Acts 2:22, He was God From God.
2Corinthians 5:19, God was Power in Jesus
Here in these verses, Jesus’ relationship with God is that of son, Messenger etc. Has one related to God he seems to have role that are unique and divine in nature. Again there seem to be Jesus’ divine obedient to the Father, (God). He been one of the trinity figure, he reflects the Glory of God and sustaining all things by the power of him who has sent him (God). His mission as seen in the reading is unique of God’s Purpose and he (Jesus) fulfils God mission a directed. Jesus is here seen as the only Son of God. In regard to his relationship with the Holy Spirit he is the revelation of God that we see, and he shares in the Triune community. He is not working alone but he is working with both the Father and the Spirit. Stanley calls him the Second “person of the trinity” p 305.
What these Verses indicate.
John 14:1, God and Jesus are one,
Roman 1:7 God and Jesus are one.
Rev 5:13 Both God and Son are inseparable
1cori 6:11, Triune is one in unity
Roman 15:30.
These Passages indicate that God and The Son Jesus are one and the same. The Mission of God is fulfilled through Jesus Christ. They indicate that both work as a team.
What they reveal
Matt 28:19, that the work of God is complete when the trinity is involved.
2Corinthian 13:14, all are the same.
1cor 12:4-6 that God the Father, son and the Spirit work together. No difference
Jud 20:21 All work together.
These passages reveal that all the persons in the trinity community are doing the same work. And as seen in the Doctrine of the Trinity, they all support and or compliment each other. Working with Son and not the Father is not complete Matt 28:19 is a good example. We need to notice that the trinity doctrine is neat together.
Statement on Trinity.
As found out in these readings and elsewhere in this class the doctrine of the trinity is not very clear in the bible. In these readings however, we understand God more and the work that he did through the Holy Spirit. In these reading we able to open the reality about the divinity of the Triune God. It is through the Holy Spirit that Christians are able to experience who God is. See Luke 24: 49. Through the Holy Spirit of God we are able to experience God’s presence among us. The promise of Jesus to send the Comforter, Counselor- demonstrates God who cares for his people.
Through out these readings, it is evident that for us to understand our God, we need to know that God is Spirit who works in the world. Therefore our belief in God and our experience in him demands that we know God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same. We
therefore see that God is Triune, and he is spread out to reach human kind in all ways possible. And as seen the Triune is concerned about all the creatures and wills the best for creation. I belief that is why God reveals himself in the form of Holy Spirit. It is agreeable as we read these scriptures that the doctrine of the Trinity is important to understanding God and his work to human kind.
Examples of NT scripture about God-:
Luke 16: 26, God is eternal
Mk 10:18, God is good
Luke 2:14, the Glory of God
Luke 22: 69, Mighty God
John 4: 24, God is Spirit
Romans 1:16, God is powerful.
Romans 1:17, God is righteous
Romans 2:16 God is Judge.
Romans 9:18, God is merciful
Rev.19:6, God is Mighty
Doctrine of God
As I went through the scripture passages, I found out that God is conceived as person with attributes that are personal, i. e God is Love. This shows that God cares and he takes care of his creation. On the other hand God as seen in the scriptures is the creator, which is his nature, the three divine persons, God the Father, Son and The Holy Spirit are involved as one. In these scriptures it is evident that all the three are related to each other. To use Hegel’s words “for what would make God different in his own creation, but God in himself is not undifferentiated being” Doctrine of God, p 70. It is clear that God is three persons, God as seen, is the creator and sustain er of any universe. God therefore exist apart from himself.
Finally, the doctrine of God as developed in these scriptures shows that God’s nature is three fold, that he is TRINITY. In the Trinitarian concept each individual bring many good state within himself in relation to other individuals, thus each other them is true to the other. None of them can work separately with out the other. Thus each action of God is seen to have three aspects or elements. Each individual event is a unity to which each member of the trinity makes contribution. It is clear that they are not three separate personalities but have an inner connection. Thus God reveals himself as Son or Holy Spirit.