John Wesley On Catholic Spirit

In this sermon John Wesley’s message is that if, we are Christians and Christians in the strictest sense, a Christian of a catholic spirit is one who, in the manner just described, gives his hand to all whose hearts are right with his heart. A Christian he points out that is one who knows how to value, and praise God for, all the advantages he enjoys, with regard to the knowledge of the things of God, the true scriptural manner of worshipping him, and, above all, his union with a congregation fearing God and working righteousness. He is one who retains these blessings with the strictest care, keeping them as the apple of his eye.

At the same time a true Christian he cited that loves, as friends, as brothers in the Lord, as members of Christ and children of God, as joint partakers now of the present kingdom of God and fellow heirs of his eternal kingdom, all of whatever opinion or worship, or congregation, who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ; who love God and man, who, rejoicing to please and fearing to offend God, are careful to abstain from evil and zealous of good works.

A true Christian is the one of a truly catholic spirit who bears all these continually upon his heart, who having an unspeakable tenderness for their persons and longing for their welfare, does not cease to commend them to God in prayer, as well as to plead their cause before men. A Christian he further says is someone who speaks comfortably to them, and labors, by all his words, to strengthen their hands in God. He assists them to the uttermost of his power in all things, spiritual and temporal. In other words he saying that a true Christian does not shy off from the things of God he is ready help others who are in need at all times without counting the cost, even to lay down his life for their sake.

John is calling those that have been able to live Christian lives to continue in living so. But he recognizes that there are others that have not be able to live good Christian lives and calls them to thank God that he has been able to restore them. “And now run the race that is set before you, in the royal way of universal love” He is encouraging those that are in the right path as Christians to continue in this path. Finally John Wesley recognizes that good neighborliness is a hallmark of Christianity. He thus calls all believers to love their neighbors and do the right thing in the service of one another. !