The opening part of the film resembles the conversion of Saul to Paul - Acts 9: 23-24. Luther’s experience of meeting God stands out from the beginning to the end of the film. The film begins with Luther’s father coming to church with a host of other people. Most probably members of his family. Luther is at the Alter. Luther is nervous and he does not seem to have courage as he consecrates the Lord’s Table. He spills the elements which can be considered unholy thing to do. Seemingly this is his first mass celebration. Later in the film Luther says he does not feel adequate to become a priest. This explains why he is nervous.
The film follows with traditions/rites, which Luther seems not to accept at this early stage of priesthood. A case that is vivid here is pilgrimage to the shrine. Although we see him as a pilgrim, he seems to be "lost", standing without a word or doing anything. He later said “I felt like a fool to pray”
Luther argued that salvation is not only in the Roman Catholic as it was the teaching of the church during his time. He opposed the lyrics and the veneration of the same. The film further shows church advocating for people to buy their everlasting life, and also buy for them that are in purgatory. The sales of indulgences were Popes way of collecting money to run the church. Luther was opposed to this citing that no one can buy redemption from God. Preachers are seen selling the indulgence to people which Luther condemned. These preachers neglected the teaching of the bible as it were, and expounded on the coin that was paid to redeem a soul. Luther felt that Christians were not being led in the right direction as far as seeking forgiveness was concerned.
As a result, Luther prepared his 95 thesis to counteract the indulgence’s teaching and pinned them at the door of the church. His argument was that indulgence can't save people from their sins. Luther criticized the Archbishop,the Pope and the powers of the church, which had consequences of him being excommunheicated.
Luther seemed to enjoy support from his faculty, and students at the university. On matters of social life Luther seemed to be concerned with the struggles of everyday life. A good example here is when we see him hugging a young crippled girl.
Because of his 95 thesis, he was asked to recant “revoco” which he refused saying “my conscience is captive to the word of God.” Luther could not recant for he considered this, as something he would not do without “selling” his soul. He appeared before the Bishop, and we see him standing his ground in support of his thesis, which he said he was out to “seek the truth.” He was considered heretic who is preaching dangerous doctrines. At this time his canonical father denounced him.
The authorities that were (Emperor, Archbishops, and bishops) seek to deliver Luther to Rome to be tried by the Pope. This was after lengthy negotiations that finally came to conclusion that he is going to be protected. By this time Luther had become so popular among his acquaintances. We see him being mobbed whenever he goes. Also in the court hearing he seems to have a lot of support from his followers.
Next we see him in the “court” of Rome. Again we see him not willing to recant citing that he needed biblical prove that he was wrong on what he was preaching. Luther seemed to argue in the light of the scripture while the bishop were arguing in light of church tradition. Luther felt that church tradition should not be over scripture. For him to recant was injury to the divine word and danger to his soul. He argued with Pope to an extent of questioning the power that the Pope has over purgatory. Having considered as an heretic with potential to cause division in the church, his thesis were torched. In revenge Luther organized a student’s campaign, which put into fire papal bull a document that was written to condemn him and his thesis.
By now protests were sporadic and more deadly. Luther laments that over 100,000 peasants have died. Images/ relics, stained glass windows that stood as idols were destroyed. Luther was “a theologian who could never draw a sword." Almost at the close of the film, Luther marries Katherine who is a run away Nun, but even though, family did not seem to hinder his course. The Luther fire spread so fast and the Roman church was at a verge of division. Luther’s accomplishments include translating the NT in Germany language, also marring Katherine, which comes at the close of the film. (This was a turning point for the church, for priests were not allowed to marry)
Authors reaction to the film.
This is a great film to watch in order to grasp what Luther the reformer did for the now called protestant church who enjoy the freedom of worship. It is a drama that unfolds to bring the light to the church where hierarchy seemed to mislead congregants.
Luther has sound theology in his argument and unlike the papacy; his argument is based in the word of God. He threw out the tradition of the church wanting to introduce freedom to people rather than have them "blind folded" by the Pope and the church in general. Every argument that Luther had was based in the scripture rather than traditions and practices of the church, which he noted are wrong, but the scriptures are true. One of the major teachings that Luther emphasized was that indulgences cannot buy people’s salvation but faith in Jesus.
Since the Papacy had established itself so firmly, the hierarchy had the power to hold people captive. They were using the church as a vehicle of confusion neglecting the scriptures that became a thorn in the flesh for Luther. Luther was provoked to write to the powers that be, to ask them to correct the problems that were facing the church. Luther's boldness was a tool to communicate his views with the general Roman Catholic church leadership. He in fact attacked the Pope for not giving people freedom seek God themselves.
We see him a man of great courage. He is in fact a novice who has just begun his ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, but he “takes the bull by its horns.” He denounces the advice that his canonical father had given him. He went a step further by facing the “Court” and he was not cowed by the threat that was put before him. He faces the dangers of being excommunicated, but he would rather face it as an agent of change rather than compromise. At the hearing, he stood by the fact that he can't recant, for what he had written was his belief. His pressing on had its own repercussions, but he never retreated.
Luther was a preacher of change. His charisma moved people whenever he stood to either teach or preach. This is seen at Worms were he was summoned for trial. He led people in the church to see that no power that can silence him. The reviewer see Luther as an evangelical preacher aimed to bring change in the church and the whole wolrd. He was an evangelist of his time. We can only liken him with people like Bonke, Benny Hinn, or and Martin Luther King JR , and Mandela of South Africa. Although he was branded a heretic, his teachings brought great revolution in the way the church teahes her parishners. He was on the other hand considered an out law by the authority of the church, however, because of his vision, and eloquence in public address, they declared him a hero. We are grateful that Luther was full of charisma, sound theology, and courage that gave birth to protestant faith.
The review would however want to challenge the scenes of this movie. This is a film depicting what happen during the 15th and 16th centuries, which gave birth to the protestant church. The reviewer observes that most of the scenes are up to date with the 21-st century Language, gears/costumes which makes the film not to capture the reality of the days of the great revolution. However, the film has a strong message to the protestant believes, roots, faith, dogma and doctrines if you may. The reviewer recomment this movie to all students of church history both protestants and Catholics.
The film follows with traditions/rites, which Luther seems not to accept at this early stage of priesthood. A case that is vivid here is pilgrimage to the shrine. Although we see him as a pilgrim, he seems to be "lost", standing without a word or doing anything. He later said “I felt like a fool to pray”
Luther argued that salvation is not only in the Roman Catholic as it was the teaching of the church during his time. He opposed the lyrics and the veneration of the same. The film further shows church advocating for people to buy their everlasting life, and also buy for them that are in purgatory. The sales of indulgences were Popes way of collecting money to run the church. Luther was opposed to this citing that no one can buy redemption from God. Preachers are seen selling the indulgence to people which Luther condemned. These preachers neglected the teaching of the bible as it were, and expounded on the coin that was paid to redeem a soul. Luther felt that Christians were not being led in the right direction as far as seeking forgiveness was concerned.
As a result, Luther prepared his 95 thesis to counteract the indulgence’s teaching and pinned them at the door of the church. His argument was that indulgence can't save people from their sins. Luther criticized the Archbishop,the Pope and the powers of the church, which had consequences of him being excommunheicated.
Luther seemed to enjoy support from his faculty, and students at the university. On matters of social life Luther seemed to be concerned with the struggles of everyday life. A good example here is when we see him hugging a young crippled girl.
Because of his 95 thesis, he was asked to recant “revoco” which he refused saying “my conscience is captive to the word of God.” Luther could not recant for he considered this, as something he would not do without “selling” his soul. He appeared before the Bishop, and we see him standing his ground in support of his thesis, which he said he was out to “seek the truth.” He was considered heretic who is preaching dangerous doctrines. At this time his canonical father denounced him.
The authorities that were (Emperor, Archbishops, and bishops) seek to deliver Luther to Rome to be tried by the Pope. This was after lengthy negotiations that finally came to conclusion that he is going to be protected. By this time Luther had become so popular among his acquaintances. We see him being mobbed whenever he goes. Also in the court hearing he seems to have a lot of support from his followers.
Next we see him in the “court” of Rome. Again we see him not willing to recant citing that he needed biblical prove that he was wrong on what he was preaching. Luther seemed to argue in the light of the scripture while the bishop were arguing in light of church tradition. Luther felt that church tradition should not be over scripture. For him to recant was injury to the divine word and danger to his soul. He argued with Pope to an extent of questioning the power that the Pope has over purgatory. Having considered as an heretic with potential to cause division in the church, his thesis were torched. In revenge Luther organized a student’s campaign, which put into fire papal bull a document that was written to condemn him and his thesis.
By now protests were sporadic and more deadly. Luther laments that over 100,000 peasants have died. Images/ relics, stained glass windows that stood as idols were destroyed. Luther was “a theologian who could never draw a sword." Almost at the close of the film, Luther marries Katherine who is a run away Nun, but even though, family did not seem to hinder his course. The Luther fire spread so fast and the Roman church was at a verge of division. Luther’s accomplishments include translating the NT in Germany language, also marring Katherine, which comes at the close of the film. (This was a turning point for the church, for priests were not allowed to marry)
Authors reaction to the film.
This is a great film to watch in order to grasp what Luther the reformer did for the now called protestant church who enjoy the freedom of worship. It is a drama that unfolds to bring the light to the church where hierarchy seemed to mislead congregants.
Luther has sound theology in his argument and unlike the papacy; his argument is based in the word of God. He threw out the tradition of the church wanting to introduce freedom to people rather than have them "blind folded" by the Pope and the church in general. Every argument that Luther had was based in the scripture rather than traditions and practices of the church, which he noted are wrong, but the scriptures are true. One of the major teachings that Luther emphasized was that indulgences cannot buy people’s salvation but faith in Jesus.
Since the Papacy had established itself so firmly, the hierarchy had the power to hold people captive. They were using the church as a vehicle of confusion neglecting the scriptures that became a thorn in the flesh for Luther. Luther was provoked to write to the powers that be, to ask them to correct the problems that were facing the church. Luther's boldness was a tool to communicate his views with the general Roman Catholic church leadership. He in fact attacked the Pope for not giving people freedom seek God themselves.
We see him a man of great courage. He is in fact a novice who has just begun his ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, but he “takes the bull by its horns.” He denounces the advice that his canonical father had given him. He went a step further by facing the “Court” and he was not cowed by the threat that was put before him. He faces the dangers of being excommunicated, but he would rather face it as an agent of change rather than compromise. At the hearing, he stood by the fact that he can't recant, for what he had written was his belief. His pressing on had its own repercussions, but he never retreated.
Luther was a preacher of change. His charisma moved people whenever he stood to either teach or preach. This is seen at Worms were he was summoned for trial. He led people in the church to see that no power that can silence him. The reviewer see Luther as an evangelical preacher aimed to bring change in the church and the whole wolrd. He was an evangelist of his time. We can only liken him with people like Bonke, Benny Hinn, or and Martin Luther King JR , and Mandela of South Africa. Although he was branded a heretic, his teachings brought great revolution in the way the church teahes her parishners. He was on the other hand considered an out law by the authority of the church, however, because of his vision, and eloquence in public address, they declared him a hero. We are grateful that Luther was full of charisma, sound theology, and courage that gave birth to protestant faith.
The review would however want to challenge the scenes of this movie. This is a film depicting what happen during the 15th and 16th centuries, which gave birth to the protestant church. The reviewer observes that most of the scenes are up to date with the 21-st century Language, gears/costumes which makes the film not to capture the reality of the days of the great revolution. However, the film has a strong message to the protestant believes, roots, faith, dogma and doctrines if you may. The reviewer recomment this movie to all students of church history both protestants and Catholics.