Jesus’ coming into the world is assumed in the very first verse, conditions, and language in throughout Genesis 1:26 where God included Jesus’ activity in creation, “Let us create.” and in proverbs 3. This seems to be a kind of summary of the gospel of John. The Word that John the Apostle had received from Jesus was no new thing. The Word had its origin; it is Word beyond time and history. It belonged to eternity.
The Word never grows old and outworn, nor does it ever become some new things. The Word of God is the Word of God. In Jesus, the Word came from God. The Word was therefore not separated in anyway from God. The Word remains the life and light and glory of God. The Word used in Greek here is Logos = which is divine figure. Do not be confused here by the mystery of humanity and divinity, for at this point the Word is not only designated as God, but also thought as “Real” person and God at the same time. “And the life was the light of men” (V4b), light already associated with life in the story of creation in Genesis 1. This is light by which men are enabled to recognize the operation of God in the world. In the light of preceding verses, the author of the Gospel of John looks at two things here:
A-The Word becoming flesh and
B- How did this knowledge come about?
A-The Word of God is the Word of power. He act through His Word and His deeds, he speaks in action and it is man that he addresses. B- The Word therefore be understood on the basis of the OT for here it is not an event recurring within the temporal word, but it is eternal being existance with God from the very beginning. Thus the only thing that could be designated simply is Word. This would be God’s revelatory will, insofar as it stands behind, and works in the entire individual.
The aim here is to reveal the incarnate God in the “Word became flesh”. Thus the opening words of this lesion indicate the saving will of God that can be experienced in the Word becoming flesh. John the author belief the purpose of the Word becoming flesh is to describe the unity of the
Incarnate (Son) and the Father is the focus in the Word becoming flesh. In the story of creation darkness was upon the face of the deep (Genesis 1:2) In John’s narrative, God called light into being so the new creation in which the Word is God’s agent as effectively and it involves the banishing of spiritual darkness by the light which shines in the world. “Without the light the world of mankind is in total darkness” Kostenberger 1999 pg 49. This light shines and enlightens every human being. There are those who refuse to come to light. This is not because there is no light for them, but because they refuse to and prefers darkness instead. In verses 12 and 13, to receive him who is the Word of God then, means to replace one’s own faith in him, to yield one’s allegiance to him and thus, in the most practical manner, to acknowledge his claims.
How we have received the light from God and counted as children of the most high. For the Word became flesh and lived among us. This is in order that God’s dwelling place might be established with his people. As we read in Leviticus 6:11. Mathew 14:16 indicate that the people living in darkness have seen a great light, those living on the shadow of death light has dawned, “I am the light of the world” John 8:12. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will walk in light.1cor 4:5b he will bring to light what is hidden in darkness. Eph 5:8. For you were once darkness, but now you are =Light in the Lord. On this point Barclay asserts that, “Jesus is the very Light of God come among all men; and he is the light which gives men life” Barclay 1975 pg 10.
The author of this article attended a laymen’s service in a congregation in African, and the preacher gave an illustration of a woman who throughout her life was using a kerosene lamp. But with time the woman was able to install power in her house. With the power of electricity she could see many things in the house, which she could not see with the kerosene lamp. She could see even under her bed. Since the electricity light was so bright the whole house was lit; she was able to clean every corner. This is the same with the light of Jesus, which came to light the whole world for people in darkness to know him.
John’s presentation of Christ as the Word is not primarily metaphysical, but practical. He present Christ as the pre-existent Son of God, he was the creator of the world and the Executor of the will of the Father. His incarnation is the full manifestation of grace and truth because it is the greatest possible expression of God’s compassion for people and the most perfect way of conveying the truth to our understanding. The world has now knowledge of him through one who shares both the human and the divine and who is in vital fellowship both with God and man.
Here the author wants to point out that the true meaning of Zech 9:9 “rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion, see your king comes to you righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey,” is something to believe in. His name is Jesus who by becoming human lives among his people so that they may know and understand him and belief. How than do people know and acknowledge him? “Jesus loses, enlarges, and endows with salvation, He enriches man’s poverty, He strengthens man’s weakness, He teaches man’s ignorance, He brings man out of traits and difficulties and raises him to happiness, beatitude and glory for he dwells among his own”. Neol 1976 page 56. Jesus professed to be not only the inexhaustible source of spiritual nourishment, but he is also the genuine light by which truth and falsehood could be distinguished and by which direction could be established.
The author of this article uses 1:12 as conclusion simply because it seems to make an appeal to better understanding, knowledge, and belief in Jesus. Privilege, honor, dignity, or right is to those who are made children of God, “They enjoy the greatest privilege which the Divine bring”. Thus those who accept Jesus Christ (who dwelt among his own) as presented in the Gospel, have through his blood, a right to his sonship. Therefore, for those that Know him know the father, or to use other people’s words, “Christ interpreted God to us” Clarks 1975 pg 38. How then should we become true disciples? By knowing him and putting our trust in him. Remember he lived among his own. So that his own may know him. This is an opportunity for you to know him.