The author would want to point out that according to Bonehoeffer, Nazism was evil which he thought was a monster and wanted to fight it. He was doing this through faith in God, even though there were dark moments ahead of what he and his group were doing. But one other thing to note here is that he was theologically informed and very “Smart” in doing his work.
In the year 1914 the German Church was at war and they believed that God was on their side a war that was later lost. It was at this time that Bonehoeffer wrote that “when death comes at the door of every house.” He hungered to become a theologian. This helped his leadership in the church. He preached against war and condemned the killing of humans regardless of their faith. In the documentary it is clear that his experience with the church as young man was not very positive.
While at the University, he wanted to study abut human pretenses, which he did, and graduated with a doctorate degree at the age of 21years. In his thesis he wrote that “the church is a community of Saints” He further asserts that the church was a way to create community. In American where he studied at Union University, He came across many people who influenced his fight for what he thought was right. One of the great influences that were remarkable was his visit to a black church in America. He met people who where involved with the struggle to freedom, and they played a major role on in is future life. It is here that he proclaimed that, “I have heard the Gospel preached.” He was humbled by his experience in America.
Other influences
While a student in America he was able to understand that Jesus intended people to live a good life. He learnt a lot from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
On his return to German the situation had worsened, for Hitler was appointed the head who was “Called by God” and he was recognized by the church as the sole appointed leader. The church filled and Bonehoeffer opposed this pointing out that God alone is the head of German. Hitler became the Chancellor in German claiming that he has been called to save German. Since the church was blinded to this, there was struggle to restore the true church which was being mislead my Hitler. At this time of confusion Bonehoeffer was teaching at the University of Berlin where he taught his students that Salvation is not in Hitler but in God.
In the mid 1933 new laws were instituted that Jews should not hold public office, and there was boycott to the Jews community. This affected him directly. Bonehoeffer asked Christians to stand by Jews and argued that the church should create a friendly environment with all the people. Since the church was blinded support Hitler, the Catholic Church the biggest denomination in German at that time, signed a concordat to support Hitler. This was a big victory for him
The author sees Bonehoeffer going places at the time he should stay back to his people and help with ideals. He moved to England while situation was tense in his home/Country.
The confessing church refused to obey the Nazified believes. Therefore, on his return he started calling for peace which he said was the higher calling from God. He called the confessing church to resist war. He believed that “Whenever Christ calls his call leads to death”
In his early struggle for peace he also became a leader of Findenwalde Seminary where he set out to create a family committed to study the word of God. He introduced music as part of communicating the art he had learnt while in the US. The Seminary was considered illegal and graduates were not supported in any way by the state. It was closed later on. While at the Seminary he wrote his book Discipleship.
When ant Jewish plot broke in 1938 property was destroyed, and Bonehoeffer condemned the act saying that it is an attack on the God of the Old and the New Testament. At this time most of his family members were involved in Political conflict among other people. Thousands of Pastors were in Prisons.
In September 1939 he was to join in the plan to assassinate Hitler. He moved again to America at the beginning of war. Although he was against the killing of the Jews by Hitler he was plotting to kill Hitler. He became an inspiration moral guide for the German. On several occasion he went out of German to gather information on intelligence. He became a conspirator. At this time he believed that the old rules of ethics had charged. He was in the same time writing his book “Ethics” Ha haa…
His plans to kill Hitler filled. He was arrested and imprisoned in Berlin. In 1945 Berlin was in total ruins and the war was lost, with Bonehoeffer being sentenced to death with others that worked with him.
In the year 1914 the German Church was at war and they believed that God was on their side a war that was later lost. It was at this time that Bonehoeffer wrote that “when death comes at the door of every house.” He hungered to become a theologian. This helped his leadership in the church. He preached against war and condemned the killing of humans regardless of their faith. In the documentary it is clear that his experience with the church as young man was not very positive.
While at the University, he wanted to study abut human pretenses, which he did, and graduated with a doctorate degree at the age of 21years. In his thesis he wrote that “the church is a community of Saints” He further asserts that the church was a way to create community. In American where he studied at Union University, He came across many people who influenced his fight for what he thought was right. One of the great influences that were remarkable was his visit to a black church in America. He met people who where involved with the struggle to freedom, and they played a major role on in is future life. It is here that he proclaimed that, “I have heard the Gospel preached.” He was humbled by his experience in America.
Other influences
While a student in America he was able to understand that Jesus intended people to live a good life. He learnt a lot from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.
On his return to German the situation had worsened, for Hitler was appointed the head who was “Called by God” and he was recognized by the church as the sole appointed leader. The church filled and Bonehoeffer opposed this pointing out that God alone is the head of German. Hitler became the Chancellor in German claiming that he has been called to save German. Since the church was blinded to this, there was struggle to restore the true church which was being mislead my Hitler. At this time of confusion Bonehoeffer was teaching at the University of Berlin where he taught his students that Salvation is not in Hitler but in God.
In the mid 1933 new laws were instituted that Jews should not hold public office, and there was boycott to the Jews community. This affected him directly. Bonehoeffer asked Christians to stand by Jews and argued that the church should create a friendly environment with all the people. Since the church was blinded support Hitler, the Catholic Church the biggest denomination in German at that time, signed a concordat to support Hitler. This was a big victory for him
The author sees Bonehoeffer going places at the time he should stay back to his people and help with ideals. He moved to England while situation was tense in his home/Country.
The confessing church refused to obey the Nazified believes. Therefore, on his return he started calling for peace which he said was the higher calling from God. He called the confessing church to resist war. He believed that “Whenever Christ calls his call leads to death”
In his early struggle for peace he also became a leader of Findenwalde Seminary where he set out to create a family committed to study the word of God. He introduced music as part of communicating the art he had learnt while in the US. The Seminary was considered illegal and graduates were not supported in any way by the state. It was closed later on. While at the Seminary he wrote his book Discipleship.
When ant Jewish plot broke in 1938 property was destroyed, and Bonehoeffer condemned the act saying that it is an attack on the God of the Old and the New Testament. At this time most of his family members were involved in Political conflict among other people. Thousands of Pastors were in Prisons.
In September 1939 he was to join in the plan to assassinate Hitler. He moved again to America at the beginning of war. Although he was against the killing of the Jews by Hitler he was plotting to kill Hitler. He became an inspiration moral guide for the German. On several occasion he went out of German to gather information on intelligence. He became a conspirator. At this time he believed that the old rules of ethics had charged. He was in the same time writing his book “Ethics” Ha haa…
His plans to kill Hitler filled. He was arrested and imprisoned in Berlin. In 1945 Berlin was in total ruins and the war was lost, with Bonehoeffer being sentenced to death with others that worked with him.