The authors are Jan Johnson, Keith Matthews and Dallas Willard. Keith teaches a "Spirituality and Ministry" course at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena; CA.Jan Johnson and Keith Matthews have partnered with Dallas Willard in ministry for several years. Keith is a member of the pastoral staff at Cedar Ridge Community Church. Jan is a prolific author of many books, articles, Bible studies and education curricula. She also speaks at over 20 conferences per year.
The Diving Conspiracy mapped out a transformational path for Christians to experience and know God as part of the here and now rather than as only part of the hereafter. The authors expands the discussion, focusing on and clarifying the key issues and encouraging a fuller understanding of Christian discipleship. As the authors argues their case, they want the readers to find overviews and summaries of each chapter, scripture meditations to enhance their understanding of the text, and study questions to facilitate stimulating discussion and reflection.
The authors of Divine Conspiracy are focusing on presenting to the reader the understanding, and to gain a fresh hearing for Jesus, especially for those who believe they already understand him” (introduction, p.xiii). It challenges long-established ways of thinking about Jesus’ ministry, message, and call to discipleship. As the reader takes the time and make the effort to look afresh at Jesus and what he taught, the reader may have a new sense of wonder, excitement, joy—and even regret—for not having heard the Gospel the way he preached it. And by showing the reader how current culture connects to the enduring message of Jesus, The authors of Divine Conspiracy treats their readers to a rare experience of seeing into the heart and life of God.
The authors ask the question; what is the ultimate goal of reading the book? The point the authors asserts in this book as they present their case is that the reader will join God in a divine conspiracy to advance the invisible kingdom of God here on earth. Readers join the conspiracy by choosing to be an apprentice to Jesus, who stands at the center of everything—having died on a cross “to undermine the structures of evil" (The Divine Conspiracy, p.188). God made himself known by approaching human beings and involving himself in our lives, so now every believer can join God in his efforts.
The Divine Conspiracy is not a fast-food, quick read. To understand its breadth and depth, this companion study guide was produced to enhance the readers experience of a powerful and transforming book—so that God’s kingdom may be advanced by an empowered army of renewed disciples of Jesus Christ. This reviewer hope that working through this study guide will enrich the relationship with God and serve as a practical tool that helps the reader become a transformed apprentice of Jesus.
May you experience the reality of his kingdom in new and wondrous dimensions. This has been and is my reading for this year’s - 2010 Easter week. This reviewer recommends this book to all Christians who have hunger for the word of God. The reviewer also recommends the book to Sunday school teachers, bible students, bibe study moderators, pastors of big and small growing congregations, and all students of the word of God.