Based on this author’s explanation, dreams are messages of the night. It is also called visions of darkness. During deep sleep our inner soul becomes sensitive to the spiritual realm. For most dreamers, (I am using the term dreamer loosely); messages in the dreamscape contain symbols which are specific to the dreamer and so a dream dictionary can not be accurately applied for any serious dream interpretation. When a dreamer wakes up or and come to normal senses, sometimes is confused about the meaning. But as said earlier, not accuracy can be applied to most dreams.
Robert explains that dreams can truly benefit the recipient only when it is properly interpreted. Some dreams occur from having too much activity during the day and it only reflects our mood, this kind of dream does not carry any significant messages. There are however, certain dreams which bring us warning of future events in our life and these are prophetic dreams and we should pay special attention. A good example here is the visions of John in the book of Revelation.
Types of Dreams
There are several examples of dreams but Robert provide only 3 basically major types of dreams:
1. The carnal dreams that come from the internal soul of the person. . Past troubles which we have not properly dealt with can manifest fear, anger, and sadness and caused recurring dreams.
2. Type II is the Spiritual Prophetic dreams which is sent by God to foretell the future. This type of dream almost always speaks about the future and they are very important to us.
3. Type III is the dream we get when we are hyper active during the day. This type is more confusing and leads to disturbed sleep since they are haphazard and disjointed.
Theological Reflection
In the bible, Proverbs 18:16, “A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great.”
Dreams interpretation is a gift, it can not be easily learnt in a class setting, but it however can be imparted by a spiritual mentor. Impartation refers to the spiritual laying of hands upon the person and saying a prayer over them. Dream is a form of divine communication that connect God with to us since God promised to tell his servant what is to come. Dream is a more complete system of authentic communication because it is a four dimensional message, it contains events, people, feelings and words or symbols. Dream can not be intercepted as in any man made device.
What was more fascinating as I went through this book was that the author points out that dreams are interpreted much the same as the instantaneous flow of prophetic utterance, meaning given by the Holy Spirit. Fascinating because as a born Christian, I have interpreted many dreams, those that were send to me or and others. After the final chapter I felt peace and assurance from the Holy Spirit who has been my guidance that ascertains the truths have passed to fulfillment through me. In the book of Hosea 12:10, the bible says “I have also spoken by the prophets, and have multiplied visions; I have given symbols through the witness of the prophets.” Emphasizing on this point Robert assert that, although anyone can claim that they can interpret dreams, the difference between true and false interpretation is that the truth will come to pass.
Finally, dream interpretation is a spiritual gift, and if you have a dream you should consult reputable Christians of the same faith. I pray that you will have divine messages of the night from our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t dismiss your dream. God may be sending you a message of your own or of others through a dream.