Problems are as old as the world itself. The creation of the earth was a solution to an existing problem. God had to face the problem and proffer a solution to it. The beautiful earth we live in today was born out of a problem; out of chaos. Problems are meant to be solved. As humans, we cannot shy away from the fact that we face problems everyday of our lives (Job 14:1). The level we are today is as a result of the problems we have solved or failed to solve. We can’t run away from problems, they existed before each of us came to be.
My wife and I had a discussion one night about the problems we are facing as a young family struggling to raise three teenage girls. According to my wife’s opinion, I fall asleep too quickly than think about the issue at hand before I fall asleep. Needless to let you know, I take less than five minutes to fall asleep once I jump on my bed at night. My response to her opinion was that it is now time to sleep, and I can solve, or think about the problems when I wake up.
It is true that problems exist in our lives and the best way to deal with them is to handle them as they manifest themselves.
1. Problems are meant to be solved - face it!
2. There is a solution to every problem - find it!
3. Problems existed before the world came to be - Understand it!
4. You can out-live your problems – stand firm!
5. You can be better through hard times – Endure it!
In my daily work routine as a chaplain barely a day goes by without encountering a patient or family with the WHY question. This question is usually right on our lips when we face problems or passing through hard times. We ask questions such as “why me?”, “why now?”, “O’ God, why?” However, most of the time we do not ask such questions because we want answers; we simply ask in agony or in despair, lending ourselves to depression and discouragement. But, why does God allow us to go through hard times? Why does God allow problems to come our way?( See my article: "THE ABSENT PRESENCE OF GOD)"
1. To prove God’s sovereignty
2. To show us our limitations
3. To bring us closer to God
The major problem we have in hard times is not what we are going through but finding a solution to the situation. Undoubtedly, some problems appear to be irreparable; yet, we can be better through them. In order to handle difficult times effectively, we must apply the following principles in solving the problem at hand:
1. UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM (Hosea 4:6).Reinhold Niebuhr an American Theologian once prayed; “Lord, give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Several times, we cry over spilled milk. Understand the problem: Is it something you can change? If not, trust God for the grace to accept it.
2. COMMIT IT TO GOD (Gen. 1:2, Acts 12:5). The situations in Genesis 1 and Acts 12 have something in common – God was involved. Solution came in Genesis because the Spirit of God was present; Peter was delivered because prayer was made to God. Several times, we are quick to complain and ask questions instead of committing the problem to God.
3. LEARN FROM THE PROCESS: There is always a positive lesson in every negative circumstance. No matter how bad the situation may appear to be, there is something good we can learn from it. The best time to learn and grow as Christians is in difficult times. (James 1:2 – 4).
4. PROPHECY (Ezek. 37:7, Amos 3:8). This is where most of us fail. Instead of allowing ourselves to be pitied or becoming an object of scorn and despair, we ought to open our mouth and prophecy the mind of God to the situation. “If you shall say to this mountain…………” So many “mountains” will not move until they are spoken to. As I write this article I am dealing with a major issue that, I need to speak to. For the last one year I have been hit by some crazy drivers more than 5 times, the last time being yesterday (May 22/2011) as I was leaving church. Five accidents in less than one year all hit from back?????; This is where speaking to the problem become practical
5. PRAISE GOD (1 Thess.5:18; Eph. 5:20). The most difficult time to praise God is in hard times. Yet, it is the most effective time to praise God. Everyone can praise God when the going is smooth; but, how many of us can truly praise God in difficult times (Hab. 3:17 – 18). Genuinely praising God in hard time adds to our maturity and compels God to step into the situation.
1. Problems are meant to be solved - face it!
2. There is a solution to every problem - find it!
3. Problems existed before the world came to be - Understand it!
4. You can out-live your problems – stand firm!
5. You can be better through hard times – Endure it!
In my daily work routine as a chaplain barely a day goes by without encountering a patient or family with the WHY question. This question is usually right on our lips when we face problems or passing through hard times. We ask questions such as “why me?”, “why now?”, “O’ God, why?” However, most of the time we do not ask such questions because we want answers; we simply ask in agony or in despair, lending ourselves to depression and discouragement. But, why does God allow us to go through hard times? Why does God allow problems to come our way?( See my article: "THE ABSENT PRESENCE OF GOD)"
1. To prove God’s sovereignty
2. To show us our limitations
3. To bring us closer to God
The major problem we have in hard times is not what we are going through but finding a solution to the situation. Undoubtedly, some problems appear to be irreparable; yet, we can be better through them. In order to handle difficult times effectively, we must apply the following principles in solving the problem at hand:
1. UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM (Hosea 4:6).Reinhold Niebuhr an American Theologian once prayed; “Lord, give me the grace to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Several times, we cry over spilled milk. Understand the problem: Is it something you can change? If not, trust God for the grace to accept it.
2. COMMIT IT TO GOD (Gen. 1:2, Acts 12:5). The situations in Genesis 1 and Acts 12 have something in common – God was involved. Solution came in Genesis because the Spirit of God was present; Peter was delivered because prayer was made to God. Several times, we are quick to complain and ask questions instead of committing the problem to God.
3. LEARN FROM THE PROCESS: There is always a positive lesson in every negative circumstance. No matter how bad the situation may appear to be, there is something good we can learn from it. The best time to learn and grow as Christians is in difficult times. (James 1:2 – 4).
4. PROPHECY (Ezek. 37:7, Amos 3:8). This is where most of us fail. Instead of allowing ourselves to be pitied or becoming an object of scorn and despair, we ought to open our mouth and prophecy the mind of God to the situation. “If you shall say to this mountain…………” So many “mountains” will not move until they are spoken to. As I write this article I am dealing with a major issue that, I need to speak to. For the last one year I have been hit by some crazy drivers more than 5 times, the last time being yesterday (May 22/2011) as I was leaving church. Five accidents in less than one year all hit from back?????; This is where speaking to the problem become practical
5. PRAISE GOD (1 Thess.5:18; Eph. 5:20). The most difficult time to praise God is in hard times. Yet, it is the most effective time to praise God. Everyone can praise God when the going is smooth; but, how many of us can truly praise God in difficult times (Hab. 3:17 – 18). Genuinely praising God in hard time adds to our maturity and compels God to step into the situation.
Problems are part of life. We face them every day. As Christians, we must bear in mind that God is greater than every problem that comes our way. Note however that whether we are in problems or not, God does not charge, He remains the same God, on the Throne- HE IS IMUTABLE. Hence, let go and let God. He will carry you through. Your father Knows…….